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Education in Motion

Read The Cranberry Eagle's coverage of the SMALLab Animation course being delivered at Seneca Valley High School. 

JACKSON TWP — Motion capture suits are used to make animation come alive with lifelike movements at places like Disney and Pixar — and now at Seneca Valley.

Seneca Valley High School students are some of the first in the country to use this technology in a new pilot program this school year. The course is called Honors Motion Capture and Animation 1 and is giving students skills to get jobs in various industries.

“We're the first to offer motion capture animation at a high school level,” said Ken Macek, high school cyber and technology teacher.

The course comes thanks to the district's partnership with the Situated Multimedia Accelerated Learning Lab, or SMALLab for short. SMALLab is an educational company that sells a room-sized interactive environment that integrates motion-capture technology and an immersive floor projection. 

Read the full article here.